Corporate responsibility

Responsibility based on values
As a family business, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is one of the issues on which our strategy and our entire existence are based. To our customers we are a responsible service provider, to our staff a responsible employer and to society a reliable entrepreneur and taxpayer.
Varova CSR cornerstones

With good financial management, we ensure the continuity of our operations. We handle our finances in an exemplary manner. We are a reliable business partner for our customers, sub-contractors and agents.

Varova operates in a way that is natural for a family business. We want to be pioneers in corporate social responsibility. This requires us to be innovative and to continuously monitor and develop our actions.

Personnel is our most important resource. By taking care of our staff, we also take care of our customers, investing in well-being, continuity and perseverance.

We save the environment by searching for solutions to reduce emissions and by improving transport efficiency. We favour partners who take steps to reduce their environmental impact.
For a good cause

MLL Child and youth work
Every child is entitled to a good and happy childhood. The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare works to make this possible together with many other organizations. As of 2019, Varova supports MLL Child and Youth telephone hotline and chat.

Aalto University
Varova funds the academic program that promotes high-quality academic research and teaching as well as Finnish ownership expertise and the culture of ownership.

War victims of Ukraine
We are helping the war victims fleeing Ukraine through Finn Church Aid
In accordance with laws and regulations

Obeying the law
We comply with laws and regulations in all our operations. Our responsibilities are determined in accordance with the applicable domestic legislation and international conventions governing each mode of transport.

Code of Conduct
Varova Code Of Conduct outlines and describes the ethical principles that guide the operations, practices and behaviour of all Varova employees without exception.